Our Mission

About Freedom Keys

Who We Are

Freedom Keys is a vibrant community that seeks to ensure happiness, harmony, and prosperity for all human beings through principles of self-government. Our guiding virtues within this community include persuasion and voluntary cooperation, personal responsibility, respect for people, and respect for their property.

Our Vision: A world in which individuals can self-govern and live happily, harmoniously, and prosperously.

Proponents of self-government renounce the use of force to solve social problems. On the other hand, a social philosophy with much greater promise for public safety, efficient regulation, and humane welfare is upheld by us—one that replaces compulsion by persuasion and state-coercion with voluntary association.

Our Mission: To equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the values of self-government.

Achieving Self-Government

Understanding Self-Government

From classrooms and community events to online forums, Freedom Keys for Self-Government is opening conversations deeper than ever for mapping our philosophy of improvement in human happiness, well-being, and fulfillment. We engage millions of thoughtful individuals interested in the role and concept of government.

We draw on experience to offer teachers healing educational resources so that students can be taken through a comprehensive representation of political thought and social philosophy. We use tools like the Nolan Chart and the World’s Smallest Political Quiz to show that political philosophy is far more than just “Team Red” versus “Team Blue.”.

We challenge the false dichotomy of the current political system. What if your very smartphone had only two possible apps, red or blue? The red app signifies forced social control accompanied by economic freedom, while the blue—one represents social freedom with forced economic control. But what if you value both social and economic freedom? At Freedom Keys, we believe in the possibility of embracing both.

Embracing Self Government

After describing the social benefits and political consequences of self-government, we turn to a foundational question: What difference can one person make, among millions, by applying the principles of self-government in their own life?

We open up new pathways of action toward principles by:

Holding before concrete stories of charities, companies, and individuals operating under the tenets of self-government to realize their missions and values.

Open access to primary sources of books, newsletters, and videos that take people from understanding to advocacy

Tools for doing policy analysis or persuasive techniques, to set others free from the conflict-centric world of power politics, regain control, and start to govern themselves.

We invite our audience to join Freedom Keys and commit right now to resolving social issues through persuasion and voluntary cooperation.

Advocating Self-Government

Self-government is an affair of society and civics with responsibilities in tow to freedom and prosperity. Once a person becomes aware and joins the concept for self-government, Freedom Keys will provide support for means to share it with others.

Other outreach and advocacy efforts include:

Digital Outreach Booth: Use of the World’s Smallest Political Quiz to draw people into our membership and partner networks.

Seminars, Workshops, and Webinars.

Self-government would foster a harmonized society, grounded on voluntary cooperation via social means. It fosters self-discipline while persuading an extension of commendable acts for others through peaceful and non-coercive solutions. As more people turn to Freedom Keys, fewer and fewer will look to coercive institutions for effecting social change.

Freedom Keys envisions a society composed of self-governing individuals for a better co-existence, health-wise and prosperity-wise. We encourage each and every one to learn, live, and spread principles of self-government in creating a better world. Join us now to be the solution.